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Apple's Q4 2023 Earnings Call Summary | Gross profit margins hits a new high at 45.87%, with iPhone sales reaching historic highs in countries such as the Philippines and Mexico!

Apple’s Q4 2023 Earnings Call Summary | Gross profit margins hits a new high at 45.87%, with iPhone sales reaching historic highs in countries such as the Philippines and Mexico!

Apple had an impressive performance in Q4 2023, with both revenue and profits hitting record highs. Strong growth of iPhone in emerging markets, rapid increase in service revenue, and continued hot sales of products like Mac and wearables were the main drivers of Apple’s revenue growth. Looking ahead, Apple expects to maintain strong growth momentum in the year 2024.

蘋果2023年第四季法說統整 | ⽑利率45.87%創下新⾼,iPhone銷售在菲律賓與墨西哥等國家創下歷史新高!

蘋果2023年第四季法說統整 | ⽑利率45.87%創下新⾼,iPhone銷售在菲律賓與墨西哥等國家創下歷史新高!

Apple 2023年第4季表現亮眼,營收與獲利均創下波段新高。iPhone 在新興市場的強勁成長,服務收入急速上升,以及 Mac、可穿戴設備等產品的持續熱銷,是Apple 營收成長的主要動力。展望未來,Apple 預期將在 2024 年度繼續保持強勁的成長態勢。

月配ETF吸金圖表化分析 近五年各ETF資產規模變化

月配ETF吸金圖表化分析 近五年各ETF資產規模變化

台灣人很喜歡買ETF,撐指數就是這樣撐的,我們好奇想要了解在這廣大的台灣ETF市場中,月配ETF所處的地位,目前市面上主要有三檔月配ETF,資產規模由大到小分別為00929 復華台灣科技優息、00772B 中信高評級公司債,和00773B 中信優先金融債。這次我們圖表化的指標是ETF的資產規模,資產規模的公式是ETF的每股淨資產價值乘上張數,當投資人買入越多張ETF,ETF的資產規模就越大,就有更多的規模效應與紅利。



今天,我將為大家統整一本由羅伯特·清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)所著,名為《增加財務智商,透過變得更聰明致富》的書籍摘要。羅伯特·清崎強調擁有五種基本的財務智商對於實現財富的重要性,更為關鍵的是,這些智慧有助於維持財富。 基本上人類具有三大智慧,智商,情商,與財商,智商是有關於聰明度以及邏輯思考的推理能力,而情商是關乎情緒智商,如何做好情緒管理的能力,而財務智商是我們今天要和大家分享的,如何善用金錢的能力,希望會對大家有幫助。

Top 5 Traits of Financially Intelligent Individuals

Top 5 Traits of Financially Intelligent Individuals

Today, I’ll provide a summary of Robert Kiyosaki’s book titled “Increasing Your Financial IQ, Getting Richer by Getting Smarter.” Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of possessing five fundamental financial intelligences to achieve wealth and, more crucially, to sustain it.

矽智財三雄營業利益比較 世芯 創意 智原 至2023 Q3

矽智財三雄營業利益比較 世芯 創意 智原 至2023 Q3


矽智財三雄月營收比較 世芯 創意 智原 至2023 10月 | 智原從2017年起將產品重心轉移至長生命週期的應用

矽智財三雄月營收比較 世芯 創意 智原 至2023 10月 | 智原從2017年起將產品重心轉移至長生命週期的應用


矽智財三雄淨利比較 世芯 創意 智原 至2023 Q3 | 智原受惠自研晶片趨勢,開創專業IC設計新格局,深耕AIoT與多媒體

矽智財三雄淨利比較 世芯 創意 智原 至2023 Q3 | 智原受惠自研晶片趨勢,開創專業IC設計新格局,深耕AIoT與多媒體


The Sage of Omaha’s Silent Partner: Unveiling the Wisdom of Charlie Munger who dies at age 99, Nov 2023

Introduction In the realm of investing, there are luminaries whose insights and strategies have left an indelible mark on the financial landscape. While Warren Buffett often takes center stage, there’s a quieter but equally influential figure who has been an essential part of Berkshire Hathaway’s success story.

Summary of Nvidia’s Earnings Call for the Third Quarter ended October 29 2023

NVIDIA’s most recent earnings call was for the third quarter of fiscal year 2024, held on November 21, 2023. Here is a summary of the key highlights: Record revenue of $18.


Table of Contents 優點 有很多很方便的套件 缺點 後台架構是我不熟悉的php 會有機器人在我的部落格瘋狂亂留言 比較難客製化 套件有時候會不相容,會打架,導致網站掛掉 優點 有很多很方便的套件 有SEO優化的套件,有連結追蹤的套件,對於聯盟行銷來講很方便。 我在2023年11月為了用wordpress提供的免費prettylinks套件,才回來重新架設一個wordpress網站,讚 缺點 後台架構是我不熟悉的php 會有機器人在我的部落格瘋狂亂留言 有一次我進去後台看一下留言,竟然有一千多篇不相關的留言,我要手動一個一個刪掉根本刪不完,太扯了,不知道誰做的留言機器人這麼無聊! 比較難客製化 若您的網站想要讓使用者輸入股票代號,查詢K線圖,財報數字等等,是比較難做到這樣客製化的功能的 套件有時候會不相容,會打架,導致網站掛掉

元太2023年第三季法說統整: 2024展望樂觀,無畏庫存調整延長

元太2023年第三季法說統整: 2024展望樂觀,無畏庫存調整延長





巴菲特投資日本五大商社的5大原因 | 日本五大商社到底誰最大?

Table of Contents 簡介: 巴菲特投資日本五大商社的背景 日本五大商社介紹 巴菲特投資日本五大商社的5大原因 原因1 巴菲特相信五大商社在未來20年可以持續屹立不搖提供價值,並產生正現金流 原因2 便宜的日圓 原因3 軍工的捆龍索被解開 原因4 日本堅忍的民族性文化 原因5 xxx 日本五大商社到底誰最大? 以營收規模來講,最大的日本商社為xxx 以獲利來講,最大的日本商社為xxx 以品牌影響力來講,最大的日本商社為xxx (巴菲特心佔率的概念,share of mind) 如何投資日本股票 簡介: 巴菲特投資日本五大商社的背景 日本五大商社介紹 巴菲特投資日本五大商社的5大原因 原因1 巴菲特相信五大商社在未來20年可以持續屹立不搖提供價值,並產生正現金流 原因2 便宜的日圓 原因3 軍工的捆龍索被解開 原因4 日本堅忍的民族性文化 原因5 xxx 日本五大商社到底誰最大?

Mastering the Art of Leadership: 11 Essential Qualities That Propel Success

Mastering the Art of Leadership: 11 Essential Qualities That Propel Success

A leader is someone who is willing to put down their ego to achieve the mutual goal for the whole team. In this content, we’ll explain the 11 principles for a great leader.

2024 盈透證券IB開戶教學、優惠與功能介紹 | IB (Interactive Brokers)盈透證券的七大優點

2024 盈透證券IB開戶教學、優惠與功能介紹 | IB (Interactive Brokers)盈透證券的七大優點

盈透證券,簡稱IB,美股代號IBKR,英文為Interactive Brokers,是我目前買美股用的海外券商,本篇文章教您一步一步進行開戶、入金、購買股票,帶您踏上財務自由之旅,並說明盈透證券的七大優點,朋友們記得要使用文章裡面的開戶優惠連結。

車用PCB廠 ROE 比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 汽車電子化對跑車的影響

車用PCB廠 ROE 比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 汽車電子化對跑車的影響

在動畫中,我們可以看到車用PCB廠欣興、健鼎、敬鵬與定穎的ROE變化,資料是從2013年第一季到2023年第二季。可以發現到車用PCB廠的季度ROE落在0~10%不等,並且沒有一間公司在ROE具有絕對的比較競爭優勢,畢竟ROE會受到業外損益的影響,變化可能很大,有時候ROE最高的廠商為敬鵬,有時候是健鼎,有時候是欣興或定穎,但總的來看,跨公司和跨期間比較的話,欣興在2022年繳出最高的ROE 10%的成績單。

車用PCB廠 淨利率 比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 隨著汽車電子化的需求逐漸明確,風扇市場正帶來新的商機

車用PCB廠 淨利率 比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 隨著汽車電子化的需求逐漸明確,風扇市場正帶來新的商機


車用PCB廠 毛利率比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 車用PCB產業的未來

車用PCB廠 毛利率比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 車用PCB產業的未來


車用PCB廠 淨利比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 3715定穎基本介紹與營運概況

車用PCB廠 淨利比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 3715定穎基本介紹與營運概況


車用PCB廠 營業利益比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 2355敬鵬基本介紹與營運概況

車用PCB廠 營業利益比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 2355敬鵬基本介紹與營運概況


PCB熱門股月營收比較 202307 欣興 健鼎 金像電 定穎 南電 | 金像電在AI伺服器基板的營運概況

PCB熱門股月營收比較 202307 欣興 健鼎 金像電 定穎 南電 | 金像電在AI伺服器基板的營運概況


車用PCB廠 季營收比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 3044健鼎基本介紹與營運概況

車用PCB廠 季營收比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 2023 Q2 | 3044健鼎基本介紹與營運概況

在動畫中,我們可以看到車用PCB廠欣興、健鼎、敬鵬與定穎的季營收變化,資料是從2013年第一季到2023年第二季。以季營收的角度來看,欣興的規模一直是最大的,其次是健鼎。 欣興是台灣唯一供應蘋果M系列載板的業者,蘋果最新研發的M3晶片可望2023年10月問世,業界預期M3晶片設計層次將進一步升級,在堆疊更複雜下,M3晶片使用的載板面積將同步大增,欣興將成為大贏家。

車用PCB廠 月營收 比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 202307 | 3037欣興基本介紹與營運概況

車用PCB廠 月營收 比較 欣興 健鼎 敬鵬 定穎 202307 | 3037欣興基本介紹與營運概況





Warren Buffett shares how they choose businesses to invest in and the philosophy behind it.

Warren Buffett shares how they choose businesses to invest in and the philosophy behind it.

Warren Buffett: we basically looked for companies where we thought we could understand what the future would look like 5 or 10 or 15 years hence, and that didn’t mean we had to do it to 4 decimal places or anything of the sort.

意法半導體 (STM) 2023 Q1 法說重點整理

意法半導體 (STM) 2023 Q1 法說重點整理


Summary of the Latest STMicroelectronics (STM) Earnings Call for Q2 2023

Summary of the Latest STMicroelectronics (STM) Earnings Call for Q2 2023

STMicroelectronics is a leading semiconductor manufacturer, especially in the car-related chip fields. Overall, the latest STMicroelectronics earnings call in the quarter of 2023 Q2 was positive. The company reported strong results, net income of 1.04 billion is up 40%, gross margins of 49.7% is up 3%, and the CEO expressed confidence in the company’s future growth prospects.



如果我們查看2023年第一季度的Rivian和Lucid的財務報表,Lucid的淨虧損為7.8億美元,而Rivian的淨虧損更糟糕,虧損達到13.49億美元,而特斯拉則淨獲利為25億美元。Rivian和Lucid虧損的原因主要有以下6點: 高投資成本、生產和擴展挑戰、市場滲透有限、競爭日益激烈、定價和成本挑戰、基礎設施發展。

Why are EV makers Rivian and Lucid still losing money?

Why are EV makers Rivian and Lucid still losing money?

If we look at the financial reports of Rivian and Lucid on the first quarter of 2023, Lucid has a net loss of 780 millions. Rivian is even worse, encountering a net loss of 1.349 billions, while Tesla having a net income of 2.5 billions. Why are EV makers Rivian and Lucid still losing money? The major 6 reasons are High Initial Investment, Production and Scaling Challenges, Limited Market Penetration, Increasing Competition, Pricing and Cost Challenges, and Infrastructure Development.

電動車廠淨利比較 | 特斯拉的願景和目標

電動車廠淨利比較 | 特斯拉的願景和目標


EV Makers Net Income Comparisons | Tesla's Visions and Goals

EV Makers Net Income Comparisons | Tesla’s Visions and Goals

The world is changing. Back in history we ride horses, and then we drive internal combustion engine vehicles, and now, we’re shifting to electric vehicles. In this video, we compare the net income of EV makers over time from the first quarter of 2009 to the first quarter of 2023. The numbers in the animation are all in millions USD. In the first quarter of 2023, EV makers with the highest to lowest net income are as follows: Volkswagen, Toyota, Tesla, General Motors, Ford Motor, Volvo, Honda, BYD, Fisker, Xpeng, Lucid, and Rivian. Notice that not all the EV makers are making money.

智慧型股票投資人 班傑明 葛拉漢 5大重點統整

智慧型股票投資人 班傑明 葛拉漢 5大重點統整

智慧型股票投資人是班傑明 葛拉漢所著的一本非同凡響的投資書籍。這本書激發了華倫 巴菲特的靈感,他是有史以來最成功的投資者之一。巴菲特曾經表示,他比任何其他投資書籍都更多次地閱讀過這本書,並稱它是有史以來寫得最好的投資書籍。在今天的內容中,我們將與您分享這本必讀經典中的五個關鍵要點,這些要點將幫助您成為像華倫 巴菲特一樣更聰明、更成功的投資者。現在,我們將按照五個不同的故事,學習這個永恆經典中的五個不同的關鍵要點,這些要點將幫助您成為一個更好、更成功的投資者。

5 Key Takeaways from The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

5 Key Takeaways from The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is not just any ordinary book on investing. It’s the book that inspired Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time. Buffett once said that he had read and re-read this book more than any other investment book and called it the best book on investing ever written. In today’s content, We’re going to share with you 5 key takeaways from this must-read classic that will help you become a smarter, more successful investor like Warren Buffett.

國際半導體大廠季營收比較,台積電、英特爾、艾斯摩爾等,2000 Q1 至 2022 Q4 | 台積電介紹

國際半導體大廠季營收比較,台積電、英特爾、艾斯摩爾等,2000 Q1 至 2022 Q4 | 台積電介紹


Global Semiconductors Giants Quarterly Sales Comparisons with TSMC, Intel, ASML etc

Global Semiconductors Giants Quarterly Sales Comparisons with TSMC, Intel, ASML etc

In this article, we compare the quarterly sales for the major players in the semiconductors industry. Those big companies, ordered from the largest quarterly sales in the fourth quarter of 2022 to the smallest, are Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, ASML, Texas Instrument, STMicroelectronics, Micron, and XNP Semiconductor. The key insight in this video is that since the second quarter of 2022, TSMC beats Intel in terms of quarterly sales. TSMC has the advantage of more advanced chip making technology and higher yield rates.

PCB三雄 欣興、南電、景碩 淨利變化 | 欣興2023年Q1業績表現

PCB三雄 欣興、南電、景碩 淨利變化 | 欣興2023年Q1業績表現

在動畫中,我們可以看到PCB三雄 欣興、南電、與景碩的淨利變化,資料是從2013年第一季到2022年第四季。以淨利的角度,起初欣興的淨利是最少的,隨著時間的推移,欣興超越南電成為淨利最高的PCB業者,欣興也是蘋果重要的ABF供應商。

為什麼選擇盈透證券做為主要美股投資管道 | IB盈透證券開戶教學與功能介紹

為什麼選擇盈透證券做為主要美股投資管道 | IB盈透證券開戶教學與功能介紹

盈透證券英文全名為Interactive Brokers,簡稱IB,股票代號IBKR,本篇文章將帶您介紹這間美股券商的優勢,以及開戶教學、入金教學和小數股下單教學。



盈透證券是一家知名的網路券商,提供股票、期權、期貨、外匯、債券等多種交易服務。在美國,有幾家競爭對手提供類似的證券經紀服務。影片中展示了盈透證券及其券商同行,包括摩根士丹利(E-Trade)、富達、嘉信理財集團、Robinhood和AMTD IDEA Group的季度銷售額比較。接著談論盈透證券在2022年第四季的營運概況。

Interactive Brokers Peers Comparisons by Sales and its Operational Overview

Interactive Brokers Peers Comparisons by Sales and its Operational Overview

Interactive Brokers is a well-known online discount brokerage firm that offers a wide range of trading services for stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds, and more. The video shows the quarterly sales comparison for Interactive Brokers ad its brokerage peers, including Morgan Stanley, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Robinhood, and AMTD IDEA Group. And we discuss Interactive Brokers’ operational overviews.

IP矽智財族群營收比較 2022Q3 | 世芯 創意 愛普 M31 智原 晶心科 力旺 金麗科

IP矽智財族群營收比較 2022Q3 | 世芯 創意 愛普 M31 智原 晶心科 力旺 金麗科


IP矽智財族群淨利比較 2022Q3 | 世芯 創意 愛普 M31 智原 晶心科 力旺 金麗科

IP矽智財族群淨利比較 2022Q3 | 世芯 創意 愛普 M31 智原 晶心科 力旺 金麗科


華倫巴菲特2022年致股東信全文 | 波克夏海瑟威與其前五大持股的淨利比較

華倫巴菲特2022年致股東信全文 | 波克夏海瑟威與其前五大持股的淨利比較

該動畫展示了波克夏及其持有的市值前 5 大上市公司的淨收入隨時間的比較,即蘋果、美國銀行、雪佛龍、可口可樂和美國運通,在2022年三月波克夏分別持有1160億美元、334億美元、292億美元、254億美元、224億美元。 我們可以看到,隨著時間的推移,蘋果為波克夏創造了巨額利潤。 需要注意的一件事是,波克夏的淨收入波動如此之大的原因是由於 GAAP 會計原則的性質,GAAP 會計原則會計入公司持有的有價證券的短期利潤或損失。接著是華倫巴菲特2022年波克夏年度報告致股東信的全文。

Warren Buffett 2022 Full Letters and Net Income Comparisons for Berkshire and its top 5 holdings

Warren Buffett 2022 Full Letters and Net Income Comparisons for Berkshire and its top 5 holdings

The animation shows the net income comparisons over time for Berkshire and its top 5 holdings of publicly traded companies in terms of market value, namely, Apple, Bank of America, Chevron, Coca Cola, and American Express. We can see that over time, Apple generates huge sums of profits for Berkshire. One thing to note is that the reason why Berkshire’s net income fluctuates so much is due to the nature of GAAP accounting principles to include short-term profits or loss of its marketable securities holdings.

Net Income Comparisons Over Time for Amazon, Alphabet(Google), and Microsoft from 2000 Q1 to 2022 Q4

Net Income Comparisons Over Time for Amazon, Alphabet(Google), and Microsoft from 2000 Q1 to 2022 Q4

In the animation, we can see the net income comparisons over time between Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft from 2000 Q1 to 2022 Q4. Microsoft turns out to have the highest net income of 16.4 billions on the fourth quarter of 2022. Interestingly, Microsoft also has the highest ROE of 9.2%, the highest gross margins of 66%, and the highest net margins of 31%.

Monthly Sales over time for Taiwan PCB companies Unimicron, Nanya and Kinsus from 2001 to 2023

Monthly Sales over time for Taiwan PCB companies Unimicron, Nanya and Kinsus from 2001 to 2023

In the animation, we can see the monthly revenue over time for major PCB companies in Taiwan, namely, Unimicron, Nanya, and Kinsus. The data is from August 2001 to January 2023. From the perspective of monthly revenue, Unimicron and Nanya competed for the first place in the process, but in the end, Unimicron surpassed Nanya to become the PCB company with the largest monthly revenue. Unimicron is also an important ABF supplier for Apple, and it also exclusively supplies Apples’ headset device.ce

PCB三雄 欣興、南電、景碩月營收變化 202301 | 印刷電路板產業營運概況

PCB三雄 欣興、南電、景碩月營收變化 202301 | 印刷電路板產業營運概況

在動畫中,我們可以看到PCB三雄 欣興、南電、與景碩的月營收變化,資料是從2001年8月到2023年1月。以月營收的角度,過程中欣興與南電互相爭取第一名,但最後欣興超越南電成為月營收最大的PCB業者,欣興也是蘋果重要的ABF供應商,也獨家供應蘋果頭戴裝置。



這篇文章介紹了為什麼選擇盈透證券(Interactive Brokers)作為主要的美股投資管道,並探討了盈透證券的優點和缺點。Sunfortzone一開始使用TD Ameritrade投資美股,但後來改而使用盈透證券,主要原因是盈透證券每月一次出金免費,而且可以投資多國股票。盈透證券的優點包括全球最大的網路券商、可投資多國資產、每月一次免費出金、高度安全性、可以買小數股和提供API進行自動交易等。然而,盈透證券也有一些缺點,包括交易手續費、即時報價需額外費用、出事訴訟較為複雜等。此外,文章還提到了在帳戶所有人過世後的注意事項,以及如何避免遺產相關稅務的方法。最後,文章還分享了盈透證券的開戶優惠推薦連結。

TipRanks Introduction, A Stock Research App Powered With AI and Analyst Ratings Insights

TipRanks Introduction, A Stock Research App Powered With AI and Analyst Ratings Insights

TipRanks is an investment analysis platform for US stocks with rich tools inside. It helps investors know better about their investment targets. Of all the tools, the most valuable one is the Analyst Ratings. The analysts on the platform are all coming from the top financial experts in the industry like J P Morgan, Bank of Americas, etc. Those analysts, with their professional financial knowledge, visit companies in person, have interviews or conference calls with companies’ top executives, chief accounting officers, chief financial officers, do research and make their investment reports and comments, summarize a buy, sell, or hold recommendations and a target price. Most importantly, through interviews with insiders, these analysts can know rumors ahead of the retail investors if the company will have a record high sales or profits next quarter, if the company will raise the price of their products, the change in profit margins, or if the company will get big orders from its customers. These are all leading indicators of the stock market, and a kind of insider news to obtain abnormal returns.

特斯拉 Model 3 Y X S 比較 | 特斯拉的四大優勢

特斯拉 Model 3 Y X S 比較 | 特斯拉的四大優勢

Table of Contents 各車型比較表 Model Y 與 Model 3: 熱銷且高性價比的車款 Model S: 追求極速熱血 Model X: 科技感老鷹翼門 Tesla 的4大優勢 優勢1 碳中和 優勢2 智慧駕駛體驗 優勢3 省燃料 優勢4 電動車的性能 Tesla 待改進的地方 自動駕駛體驗 組裝問題 充電困擾 各車型比較表 首先,下表列出目前Tesla各車款的台灣價格,以及一些數據,主要分為Model 3、X、Y和S, 目前Tesla暫時不會出新款,而是會專注在價值較高的自動駕駛軟體,相信若能解決有時候突然煞車的問題, 以及提升更好的自動駕駛體驗,就可以和一些強大的競爭對手拉開距離。




Welcome to Wowchemy, the website builder for Hugo

Welcome to Wowchemy, the website builder for Hugo

Welcome 👋 We know that first impressions are important, so we’ve populated your new site with some initial content to help you get familiar with everything in no time.

Hello R Markdown

R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see http://rmarkdown.

Writing technical content in Markdown

Writing technical content in Markdown

Wowchemy is designed to give technical content creators a seamless experience. You can focus on the content and Wowchemy handles the rest. Highlight your code snippets, take notes on math classes, and draw diagrams from textual representation.

Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic

Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic

Learn how to blog in Academic using Jupyter notebooks



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